Legion Drive
PO Box 444
Holland, NY 14080
Legion Drive, Holland NY 14080
Gary Kingston,Commander 716-537-2177
"A Veterans Organization Dedicated to Veterans Rights, Americanism, and Public Service."
Welcoming Veterans of all Wars.
Meetings held on the first Wednesday of each month. Dinner at 7 pm followed by the meeting.
US War Memorials and Monuments
Founded In 1887
Member Federation Of Women's Clubs of America
1st Monday of each Month - 8:00 P.M.
Sue Marom, 716-652-5160
Ages 5 and Up
Rehearsals on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8 pm
The Hope on the Hill Church
10039 Savage Road
Practice for the Christmas Season starts in August. All ages welcome.
Directors: Marie Perini 716-537-9617 and Brenda Hartley 716-655-0578
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Holland Community Center.
President - Joy Bucknam
Vice- President – Mike Sheehan
Secretary- Diane Doyle
Treasurer - Sheila Vella
Town Historian, Karen Kline kkline545@verizon.net
Meetings: January, March, May, September,November.
3rd Tuesday each month listed - 7:00 p.m.
7 South Main Street, Holland NY 14080
Holland Historical Society Program 2024
Youth Football & Cheerleading
Michelle Liddle 716-537-9111
Bill Kolacki 716-537-9535
9538 Olean Road, Holland, NY 14080
Open Trap Shooting 7 pm Monday Evenings
Pistol League 6 pm Tuesday Evenings
Southtowns Rural Preservation Company, Inc. is a local, non-profit community development corporation serving the rural towns and villages of Southern Erie County. The SRPC has established a core of basic services available to eligible residents within the service area. These services include loan and grant application assistance, housing rehabilitation, and housing counseling and referral services. The long term goals of the corporation are to effect a stabilizing influence in the communities served through the rehabilitation of individual housing units and the coordination and/or delivery of supporting services.
Member Erie Co. Federation Of Snowmobile Clubs
Contact: Greg Putney 716-537-9878
Baseball Ages 4-15
Girls' Softball Ages 7-16
Email: hollandyouthbaseball@yahoo.com
Niagara Frontier South Division
Meets every Wednesday at the Holland Willows - 6:00 P.M.
June McArthur 716-480-1811
Rural Transit Service (RTS) is a non-profit transportation service. They provide transportation
to senior citizens, low/moderate income individuals and disabled clients. Eligible residents are
transported to dialysis clinics, medical offices, physical therapy, pharmacies, colleges, work
places, senior centers, nutrition sites, adult day cares, grocery stores, banks, salons/barbers,
etc., with medical trips taking priority.
The Rural Transit vans run between 8:30 am to 3:00 pm,
Monday through Friday, except holidays.